Jakość stanowi podstawę wszystkich naszych działań.
Tak więc jesteśmy dumni, że niemal dla wszystkich naszych produktów w segmencie drewna, elewacji i betonu możemy pochwalić się certyfikatami ETA.
Jest oczywiste, że nasz dział zapewnienia jakości codziennie sprawdza wyprodukowane partie pod
kątem takich standardów, jak zgodność rysunku, funkcjonalność, wygląd i zgodność ze specyfikacjami klienta.
Generic type and use of construction product: Bolt anchor, ECB-FZ-C3
European Technical Assessment: ETA-11/0024 (German working guide) Generic type and use of construction product: Wood construction screws
Generic type and use of construction product: Nails and screws for use in nailing plates in timber structures Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Wood–Concrete composite Oglądać PDF
Object of approval: Three-dimensional nailing plate (hold-downs for timber-to-timber or timber-to-concrete or steel connections) Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Three-dimensional nailing plate (face-fixed beam hangers to be used in timber to timber, timber to steel and timber to concrete connections) Oglądać PDF
Object of approval: EiSYS-AP and EiSYS-H Façade screws for fastening support structures to ventilated façade systems Oglądać PDF
Mechanical fastener for gypsum plasterboard systems Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Expansion anchor A4 Oglądać PDF
Object of valuation: Bonded injection type anchor for use in cracked and non-cracked concrete Oglądać PDF
Object of approval: Injection anchors for use in masonry Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Concrete screw for use in concrete Oglądać PDF
Assessment: Magnus Connector and Timberframe PRV Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Bolt anchor Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Eurotec angle brackets type Simply LL 95, 135 and 285 with elongated holes and Simply RL 95, 135 and 285 without elongated holes Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Anchor for multiple use for non-structural applications in concrete Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Post base as fastener in timber constructions Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction produkt: Fastening screws for sandwich panels Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Plastic anchor for multiple use in concrete for non-structural applications Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Fasteners for metal constructions Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Beam hanger for timber-to-timber connections Oglądać PDF
Generic type and use of construction product: Wood construction screws Oglądać PDF
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