Efficient design with Eurotec's free ECS design software
Efficient design with Eurotec's free ECS design software
Digital solution for efficient dimensioning
Eurotec's free ECS design software provides a digital solution for timber and concrete construction projects. This software can be used to carry out static pre-dimensioning with verifications for various concrete fixings. Any construction project can be designed using fasteners from the Eurotec range.
The “Concrete Fixing” module is a tool for the design of rock bolts and anchor bolts for steel or timber fixings. All that is required for preliminary design is the geometry of the components to be connected, the tensile and shear loads to be applied and the bending moments of the connection in all three axial directions.
The ETA-certified rock-concrete screws from Eurotec
Whether permanent or temporary, Eurotec's Rock concrete screws are the ideal solution for fast and efficient fixing in concrete.
The special feature of Eurotec's ETA-certified Rock concrete screws is that they can be installed without the use of dowels. They are ideal for fixing into solid substrates such as concrete (normal concrete C20/25 to C50/60) or masonry. The dowel-less fixing method saves time - especially when installing heavy equipment - as the Rock concrete screw is screwed directly into the pre-drilled hole without the need for additional dowels. As it is screwed in, the thread cuts a counter-thread into the substrate. High-strength screw steel, a sophisticated hardening process and a special thread design ensure reliable performance of the Rock concrete screw.
Maximum load-bearing capacity, minimum spacing - the Eurotec bolt anchor
The Eurotec bolt anchor is a force controlled, galvanised steel anchor designed for push-through installation in non-cracked concrete. Its special feature is that it allows small centre and edge distances despite its high load capacity. The ETA-certified bolt anchor is extremely versatile due to the different embedment depths and dimensions. In addition, each bolt anchor is fitted with an expansion clip which ensures a high load bearing capacity and reduces the number of fixing points required.

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