Discover our updated ECS calculation program 3.0

Use the updated ECS calculation program 3.0 to safely plan your designs

Our ECS calculation program 3.0 has been further improved during the course of a comprehensive revision and expansion programme and is now available in two versions: one for individual users and one for individual users in corporate networks (MSI). Both versions are available for download after registration, so that you can use the download that is right for you.

When updating the ECS software, the focus was especially on the integration of modules for structural engineered timber constructions. The aim was to provide users with effective tools to create preliminary designs for standardised connections quickly and in a testable manner. The individual innovations in detail

Rafter-purlin connection

Rafter-purlin connections are a standardised design principle used in almost all construction projects featuring a gable roof constructed in timber. Here, the fastening means at the rafter-purlin connection point can be pre-designed. The application only requires the timber dimensions and the bearing loads from the static calculations.

Lateral beam reinforcement

Lateral beam reinforcements are a standardised construction principle in timber construction used particularly in building conversions and renovations. In contrast to joist doubling, reinforcement elements are attached laterally to the existing beam, on one or both sides. These elements are made of timber or steel and attached using fully threaded screws in order to increase the beam section’s load-bearing capacity. The preliminary design only requires the line load of the components resting on the beam. These are used for the preliminary design of the fasteners and provide the essential proofs for the beam elements.

Parallel connection

Parallel connections are a general design principle in timber construction used to connect timber or steel tension straps to each other. This type of construction can be found in roof trusses, timber frame as well as hall constructions. The preliminary design only requires the beam geometries of the components to be connected and the tensile and transverse loads that arise from the connection.

Transverse connection

Transverse connections are a general construction principle in timber construction suitable for universal use and highly versatile. Connections between parallel and intersecting wooden beams can be positioned at up to three levels. The forces to be transferred, which act on the connections, can be specified for all three axial directions. The module is widely used both in timber frame and façade construction. The design of the fastening means requires the beam dimensions, the beam layout and the loads acting on them. 

Our goal is to always offer our customers first-class solutions and to constantly improve our software products. From the beginning of March, the ECS software has included additional modules for CLT fastenings. Get excited and never miss our news.

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  • Haberkorn GmbH
  • Edgar Borrmann GmbH & Co. KG
  • Alfred Horn GmbH & Co. KG
  • Marshall Innovations
  • hsbCAD
  • Sismicad
  • Timber Tech
  • Haus & Dach
  • Profixings bvba
  • Cadwork
  • Girometta
  • Behrens-Gruppe
  • Cape Reed International
  • Harpun A/S - Der Profi im Bereich Montagekeile und Justierklötze
  • NATURinFORM: Know-how und Kompetenz in WPC
  • Etanco - maßgeschneiderte Fassadenlösungen
  • W&Z Befestigungssysteme
  • Fehr Braunwalder AG
  • Kevin Budweg Großhandel für Zimmerei und Holzbau
  • Grohe GmbH - Werkzeuge und Beschläge